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Neck Pain

Neck Pain Treatment in Portchester

Around 80% of people will suffer from neck pain at one point in their life. It can develop through injury, or over time, as a result of poor posture, wear and tear, or uncomfortable sleeping positions.

We are an expert chiropractic and osteopathic clinic, providing specialist treatment for neck pain and related conditions, including frozen shoulder and back pain.

Easily accessible from the M27, we are comfortably within reach of Fareham, Drayton, Knowle, Widley, Port Solent and the Portsmouth area. You can book a Free 30-Minute Initial Consultation with our expert practitioners, made quick and easy through our online booking system.

Young woman receiving chiropractic treatment
Around 80% of people will suffer from neck pain
Diagram of the skull and cervical spine
The neck is made up of seven vertebrae

Anatomy of the Neck

The neck is made up of seven vertebrae, called C1 to C7. These comprise the cervical spine, and connect the base of the skull to the thoracic spine, which consists of 12 vertebrae and is located in the upper and middle back.

The seven vertebrae are stabilised by ligaments, muscles and tendons, which provide strength, mobility and support. The neck joints consist of two facet joints, which allow forwards, backwards, and twisting motion, and a vertebral disc in between to provide cushioning.

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Osteopath or chiropractor explaining to female patient with model spine

What is Neck Pain?

Neck pain occurs when there is an issue in the cervical spine. Typically, this is when one of the ligaments, muscles or tendons is strained or sprained by overuse or overextension.

These include:

  • Axial neck pain, which is felt mainly in the neck
  • Radicular neck pain, which shoots into the arms and shoulders
  • Referred pain, when another problem, such as a jaw injury, causes pain in the neck area
  • Myelopathic pain, which is when the spinal cord is compressed in the neck


Neck pain can be acute, which means it comes and goes more quickly, and generally lasts less than four weeks, or chronic, where the pain is longer lasting, often for months or more. If you have any questions regarding our treatments, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Young woman with neck pain
Neck pain occurs when there is an issue in the cervical spine
Young woman with neck pain from sleeping
Sleeping in an awkward position can cause neck pain

Causes of Neck Pain

Acute neck pain is typically caused by:

  • Poor posture, especially if working at a desk
  • Sleeping in an awkward position
  • Repetitive motions, such as dancing
  • Trauma, including an awkward fall, whiplash or sporting injury


Chronic neck pain is generally caused by deeper underlying conditions, such as:

Portchester Clinic

Just 7 minutes from the M27 Junction 11/12

Symptoms of Neck Pain

Neck pain symptoms can vary depending on the problem, but common pain felt in the neck region includes a persistent ache, either in a specific area or throughout the neck, a stabbing or burning pain, or a shooting pain through the neck.

Other symptoms felt include stiffness or restricted motion, especially when turning or nodding the head, numbness or tingles in the shoulders and arms, and headaches. If you are suffering from neck pain, our specialist physical therapy practitioners can help. To begin, simply book a Free 30-Minute Consultation.

Woman with neck pain from poor working posture
Neck symptoms include pain around the neck and restricted movement
Physical therapy work on the neck
Physical therapy treatments can provide an accurate diagnosis for the cause of neck pain

How Will You Diagnose My Neck Pain?

Physical therapy treatment is needed to diagnose neck pain issues when they do not improve after a few days or weeks, and getting an accurate medical diagnosis can help provide a more effective treatment plan.

We will consider your medical history, current symptoms, occupation, and lifestyle, before conducting a thorough physical examination to get to the root of the problem. This will typically include palpation (pressing on the surface of the body to feel the organs and tissues underneath), testing the range of motion, reflexes and muscle power, and observations on posture, or any lesions or abnormalities.

Book a Free 30-Minute Consultation, and we will be happy to provide you with a professional diagnosis and start helping you towards a pain-free life.

Neck Pain Treatments

Physical therapy techniques such as chiropractic and osteopathy are ideal for diagnosing and treating neck pain. Self-care methods, including rest, applying and ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes, and stretching can be used if the pain is not debilitating or caused by trauma, but for more serious or long-lasting pain, physical treatment is required.

Physical therapy programmes focus on improving the strength, flexibility, and overall stability of the cervical spine. These include a range of prescribed exercises from our specialist therapists. We regularly treat neck pain using proven physical therapy techniques, and can help you every step of the way.

Man with neck pain
Physical therapy programmes focus on improving the strength, flexibility and overall stability of the cervical spine
Man with back and neck pain
Booking an appointment to treat your neck pain is quick and easy

Booking an Appointment

If you are suffering from neck pain, you can book an appointment quickly and easily using our online system. We are registered with the General Chiropractic Council and General Osteopathic Council, and new patients can also receive a Free 30-Minute Consultation.

Our Portchester clinic is easily accessible from the M27 J11/12 and is in convenient reach of Fareham, Drayton, Knowle, Widley, Port Solent and the Portsmouth area.

You will receive a professional diagnosis and bespoke treatment plan from our specialist practitioners, who will complete a thorough examination at your first appointment. Our friendly staff are here to help, so if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why Choose Us

At Hutchinson Health we pride ourselves on a personal, individualised approach to your treatment. You’ll receive a full examination and accurate diagnosis, allowing you to understand the root causes of your pain, and allowing us to treat not just where it hurts, but why it hurts. 

You’ll have time to discuss and ask questions, and will be able to start your treatment programme immediately.

Useful Further Reading

Spine health information sheet all about neck pain

NHS information on neck pain

Healthline factsheet on neck pain symptoms and more serious neck pain

NHS guide on neck problems, including advice on sleeping positions

Woman reading a laptop
Further information on neck pain is available at these websites

From Our Blog


What Is Causing My Neck Pain?

Neck pain can be, quite literally, a real pain in the neck! Neck pain, also known as cervical spine pain, is a pain that starts in the neck but can also radiate down to the back and the arms.

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Man hugging pillow

Best Pillows for Neck Pain

If you frequently wake with neck pain, then the cause could be the pillows you sleep with. Sleeping with a pillow that doesn’t support your neck and back adequately can lead to neck muscle tension and, ultimately, neck pain.

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Warren Dickinson, Chiropractor at Hutchinson Health, Portchester

Medical Review

The information on this page was last reviewed in January 2023 by Warren Dickinson, Chiropractor.

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Osteopathy and Chiropractic

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