Book a Free 30-Minute Consultation

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Easy Online Booking

You can book quick and easily online for all our services, including chiropractic and osteopathic consultations for new and existing patients, and Free 30-Minute Consultations.

If you have any problems booking or would like to discuss anything ahead of your appointment, please don’t hesitate to call reception on 02393 233 144 or contact us.

bearded man reading from computer
Booking is quick and easy online
Physical therapist talking with female patient
Book a free consultation using the booking system below

Free 30-Minute Consultation

A free in-clinic 30-minute osteopathic or chiropractic appointment is available for all new patients at Hutchinson Health.

At your consultation we will listen to your reasons for coming to the clinic, give you a physical examination to determine the reason for your symptoms, and give you a professional diagnosis and proposed treatment plan.

There’s no obligation, just an opportunity to understand your symptoms and how they can be treated, and have all your questions and concerns answered by a qualified medical practitioner.

Prices and Booking


Osteopathy and Chiropractic

Clinic Hours

Reception Hours

Speak to reception on 02393 233 144 or book online